Must ... have ... sweet, sweet stories ...

You can’t help yourself - you’re already making this into a story.Image by Clint Patterson via

You can’t help yourself - you’re already making this into a story.

Image by Clint Patterson via

A writer I admire wondered recently if it was appropriate to publicize her forthcoming book, given that new circles are being added to hell every hour. But why not, particularly now? We need to keep breathing, to keep eating, and to keep nourishing ourselves with stories.

We crave stories the way zombies crave brains! Neither of us can exist without these basic forms of nourishment. Fortunately, we manufacture our own nourishment day and night, casting everything we experience in terms of stories. It’s almost impossible to shut this process down, which many of us discovered the first times we tried to meditate. 😬 And then there are the millions of stories created for us, books and movies and tv shows and podcasts and the neighbors and a thousand other sources.


PS: In the story I imagine for this picture, things work out OK for the plug and the reluctant socket, but it takes a while, and they both have to adjust and adapt.

PPS: If your craving is for stories about zombies, check out this explanation of the science behind them, presented by the distinguished neuroscientist, Dr. Timothy Versteynen.